
バーチャルワークショップツール「Butter」Co-founder & CEO Jakob氏ご本人に突撃インタビュー!!


まだ日本国内では知る人ぞ知る存在のButterですが、フィラメント/QUMZINE編集部は持ち前の「面白がり力」を発揮して、今回なんとButterのCo-founder & CEOであるJakob Knutzen氏ご本人への独占メールインタビューに成功しました!!!


Butter開発のキッカケから、今後どのようなサービスを展開していくのかまで、根掘り葉掘り聞いてみたところ、めちゃくちゃ丁寧な回答をいただいて大感動。おそらく日本初(!?)、Butter Co-founder & CEO Jakob氏のインタビュー、ぜひお楽しみください!

――Butterはいつ、誰が開発したサービスなのでしょうか? When, where, and who developed Butter?

創業者の3人(Adam Wan、Christopher Holm-Hansen、そして私Jakob Knutzen)は、ゲームストリーミングコミュニティのスタートアップであるStreamCruxでリモートチームとして一緒に働いていました。2020年1月に投資が失敗に終わってしまったのですが私たちは一緒に新たなことに取り組みたいと思い、その後いくつかのプロジェクトに取り組みました。その中で、企業のリモートワークを支援するオンラインワークショップを開催しました。そして、ワークショップにより明らかになった課題を解決するための技術的なソリューションを構築しようとしたのですが、ワークショップの結果、ワークショップの運営に問題を抱えていたのは私たち自身であることがわかりました。そこで、Butterが誕生したのです。


The three founders (Adam Wan, Christopher Holm-Hansen, and myself) worked together as a remote team in StreamCrux - a game streaming community startup. We built a solid community but decided to shut it down in January, 2020 due to an investment that fell through.
We knew we wanted to stay together, and subsequently worked on a number of projects. We ran online workshops to help companies with their remote work processes - mostly as a way to identify remote work challenges. So we could build a tech solution to solve these.
It turned out that we were the ones that were having the problems running the workshops. Hence Butter was born.

――Butterはどのようなメンバー構成で、運営・開発を行っているのでしょうか? What kind of team members are mainly composed, developed and operated?



Our team operates with a fully remote set-up. We are currently a team of 14 colleagues from 9 different countries around the world.
We have a super strong developer team with expertise in backend, full-stack and frontend, led by our Co-founder and CTO, Adam Wan.
Our designers, who are behind all the funky, playful Butter designs and brand, decided to join our Co-founder and CPO, Chris Holm-Hansen in the bold vision of dreaming up an intuitive, non-complex user experience for the tool that allows for energetic and fully-engaging interactions between facilitators and participants.
All of this would, of course, be impossible without seasoned experience in growth and insights, which is deeply woven into the DNA of the company and is led by Cheska Teresa.
Our leadership group built this platform with the community-first mindset, which has helped us stay curious yet laser-focused and iterate fast on feedback from early adopters and a day-by-day growing number of users.

――Butterのみなさんが、リモートワークをする上で工夫していることはありますか? What are some of the things that Butter members are doing to work remotely?


Such a great question this one, and something so important for us at Butter. Remote working can sometimes make you feel disconnected, especially, when there is a relatively big time difference involved in collaboration.
To pick maybe 2 initiatives to describe:
1) One of the things we do to be effective in working together are bi-weekly all company socials, in which we get to know each other better and have fun together. This, we feel, plays a huge part in enabling for a great environment and culture where people feel they belong, can be open and trust each other.
2) We take information flow seriously, hence, in our bi-weekly town halls we get a chance to see how the company is doing, how we are thinking about the next big milestone and discuss any topics that may be on our minds. We are all encouraged to share our ideas and thoughts, openly.
In between these, we have daily standups, host roundtable knowledge sharing sessions, coffee chats and use Slack for day-to-day communication.

――Butter開発のきっかけや目的(用途・シーン・ターゲット)について教えて下さい。また、現在のButterユーザーの属性はどのようなものでしょうか? What is Butter and what is the purpose (use, scene, target) of the service developed?What are the demographics of the users who are actually using Butter today?

1) 独立したコンサルタントやファシリテーター
3) ブートキャンプやオンラインコース

Butter is an all-in-one tool for planning and running virtual workshops. Our purpose and mission is to make online workshops as delightful and interactive as humanly possible, bringing 10x more fun and energy into virtual workshops.
Butter is for anyone who is currently planning and running complex workshops, where we feel they would benefit from the integrations we offer. Currently, we're seeing three target groups pick up Butter:
1) Independent consultants and facilitators
2) Boutique agencies and consultancies
3) Bootcamps or online courses

――既存のオンラインワークショップのどこに課題を見出したのでしょうか?また、その課題に対してButterが提供する価値について教えて下さい。 Where did you find the problem in the existing online workshop? What is the value provided by Butter for that issue?



We identified mainly 2 problems with existing online workshop tools: technical overload and lack of energy. We solve these in two ways. As pointed out above, Butter is an all-in-one tool that helps facilitators prepare, run and debrief the workshop in one place, and our delightful design that supports and enables the delivery of a more human experience.

――Butterのようなバーチャルワークショップツールの需要が高まっていることを感じていますか?また、現在日本はマーケット戦略の範囲に入っているのでしょうか? Do you understand that the demand for virtual workshop tools such as Butter is increasing in Japan as well? Is Japan currently in the scope of market strategy?


We think that the problems that we're solving with Butter are global. Currently we have users from the US, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia - and many others including Japan!
We are truly happy and humbled by the attention we are receiving from Japan - and we're very much looking forward to supporting our Japanese users even more in the future!

――今後、Butterはどのようなサービスを展開していくのでしょうか? What kind of service will Butter grow in the future?

いい質問ですね!Butterの中でもよく考えていることです。将来的には、このプラットフォームをより「ワークショップの流れ」に沿ったものにしていきたいと考えています。それには、プランニングの部分をより充実させ、参加者のためのプレワークショップのスペースを充実させ、ポストワークショップの経験を構築することなどが含まれます。今のところ、私たちは "ワークショップ中 "の部分をバターのようにスムーズにすることに全力を注いでいます。


An excellent question and definitely something we think about a lot, here at Butter. In the future we are hoping to make the platform even more of a ‘full workshop flow’ that includes more of a planning part, has a full pre-workshop space for participants, built out post-workshop experience, etc. As for now, we are doubling down on making the ‘during’ part as smooth as butter.

――日本のユーザーに向けてメッセージをお願いします! A message from Butter to Japanese users!


We're beyond excited that users in Japan have managed to find Butter! Much love!

ButterのCo-founder & CEOであるJakob氏へのインタビュー、いかがでしたか?
